Hanns F Skoutajan
“Aging is not for sissies,” we have often been told by those who are well
into the process or have been keen observers of such times. Being familiar
with the aging process I can only agree.
“The days of your life are three score years and ten (70) or if by reason of
strength they are four score (80)” (Pslam 90) writes the wise old man in that
portion of the Old Testament known as the Wisdom Literature.
Opening the door of the medicine cabinet in our bathroom I recognize it for
what it is, a space for jars filled with ointment to make a tired skin less old,
of vials of prescription drugs and pills to cope with a variety of ailments, of
vitamins and minerals and other remedies to make these times of aging
more tolerable. Our calendar is dotted with appointments with specialists
and therapists.
That psalmist of long ago comments that these latter days are “only toil and
trouble,” obviously not for sissies, and then comforts us “that they are soon
gone and we fly away.” Aging is entering upon the final boarding process
of this journey of life. He goes on to advise us “to so number our days that
we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
As we accumulate mileage on the tires of our tired bodies we spend time
contemplating where we have arrived. Since birth we have been involved
in the process of “increasing in wisdom and stature” and hopefully, “in
favour with God and man.” (Luke 2: 52)
On special occasions such as birthdays we are made acutely aware of
what we have become. We are not always content and wish that we had
done more, travelled more extensively, been more diligent in aquiring other
languages, many friends we know have done so, learning to play the piano,
guitar or other musical instrument.I admire those who did. I regret that I
have not written and spoken out more forcefully and wisely on matters of
justice, peace and the health of this planet.
My partner and I have but one grandchild, and are very much aware how
important it is for us to know that our DNA has not been frustrated but will
be passed on to others. It is thrilling to discover in the evidence of her
appearance, manners and attitudes, that there is something of ourselves
alive in her. Both my spouse and I are only children and sometimes wish
that we had had siblings with whom to share the joys and sorrows of living.
We are not alone in this aging process. The world too is changing from the
picture of that beautiful blue ball with white swirls that those first astronauts
beheld not that long ago. Now we see a graying planet, less distinct giving
evidence of the use and abuse of this terrestrial home. Scientists are
involved in the possibility of making a foothold on some other, yet unvisited
planet (we think), to start a new colony, to escape from a ravaged planet
where resources are running low. We have recently been informed that
since that first space journey the number of wild animals on Earth has
halved in the past 40 years according to a new report from the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).
On the surface of the world there is much discord among the residents, an
interminable conflict in the Middle East, international discord as in western
Europe ( Russia and the Ukraine), in the streets of Hong Kong , while ebola
ravages the people of western Africa.
In our more fortunate countries, Europe, North America and Australia the
rich make strides to become ever richer using up resources that ought to
be shared with all of human kind. Many others seem stagnated in their
search for a better life. Extraction rather than conservation is the dominant
activity propagated by the powerful corporation of our the world.
Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher who is not aligned with any particular
religion or tradition, conveys a simple yet profound message. In his
lectures and books, particularly in A New Earth: Awakening to Life’s
Purpose he focuses on Being rather than Becoming, enjoying the Power of
the Now. When thinking about gaining a heart of wisdom I can think of no
better primer to help us conquer the ego individually and globally. He gently
and in very practical terns leads us to a new consciousness to experience
who we truly are without regrets.
Not long ago we gathered in our daughter’s beautiful garden with many
friends and family to celebrate the four score milestone of my spouse. We
did a lot of reminiscing. We had travelled many miles together and
experienced events with many of them “ in sickness and in health.” Now we
rejoiced in this time of an arrival.
Hopefully there will be more years ahead to do things that need to be done,
blogs to be written, friendships to be enjoyed, our Being to be cherished
until we too “shall fly away.”
Spirit Quest 07/10/2014