Friday, December 13, 2013


S P E C I A L   C H R I S T M A S   B L O G 

Its the Gospel Truth!

When the time came for her to be delivered, Joseph and Mary, great with child, set out for Bethlehem because they were of the house and lineage of David. 

At the outskirts of Jerusalem they were stopped at a security wall because they had the wrong papers, expired papers or no papers at all. The youthful guards snickered about a “virgin birth.” Thus they waited by the roadside for some Good Samaritan to come along. And she did.

Meanwhile Wise Men from the East set out to follow their unlucky star. They had no problem getting to Bethlehem because they had Israeli government tourist visas for Holy Land visitors.

When they got to manger square there was some confusion. The stable was empty. A cow was contentedly finishing the hay in the manger. Sheep baaed disconcertingly, Goats brayed annoyingly. Shepherds looked sheepish. Angels fluttered about singing hallelujahs off-key. And finally the star blinked out.

When nothing happened the royal trio cashed in their gold and myrrh and frankincense at the nearest Western Union office in Jerusalem and booked rooms at the King David Hotel. They laid in a supply of trinkets, mostly sandalwood carvings of the manger scene as it was supposed to have been, to prove to friends that they had been there and done that.  Then they headed home “by another route ”

Mary had her baby at a home for unwed mothers run by UNWRRA in Ramalla. When they were fit to travel they took the donkey express to Nazareth, and the rest is history.

“The baby grew in wisdom, stature, in favour with God and man.” And isn’t that how it ought be.

Written and misinterpreted by Hanns F Skoutajan

SQ 20/12/2013

Other writings may be found at  MYQUEST

NB new address:

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